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Cooling Tower Chemicals

What is a cooling tower chemical?
A cooling tower chemical is defined as a corrosion inhibitor and scale prevent chemical and a cooling water biocide.  A corrosion inhibitor and scale prevention chemical allows the cooling tower to reuse the water. As the water is reuse the water may become corrosive and the tendency of scaling may increase. The use of corrosion inhibitor and scale prevent chemicals will allow the cooling tower water reuse to maximize before blowdown.

What is Cooling Water Blowdown?
Blowdown is referred to as the released water from the cooling tower. The blowdown point is determined by the maximum solubility points of calcium in the recycled water.  You can determine this by checking the makeup water pH and calcium levels. Once you determine the maximum solubility set point, the cooling tower controller should be set to blowdown some of the recycled water.  This will allow more fresh water and chemical to be added to the tower.

What cooling tower chemical should I use?
In most cases and for moderate water conditions, a standard all organic chemcial will work fine if you have good city water. If your water is corrosive, highly corrosive, more prone to scaling or severely scaling water there are other products. High silica scaling problem there is a different product all together to use.  For really challenging water, please contact Chemworld for assistance. You can download the product bulletins for more information.

Where should the chemical be injected?
Ideally, the chemical should be injected into the main header of the return line to the cooling tower. Retractable corporation stops or injection quills must be installed, so the chemical is dispersed quickly.

What chemical testing are used to monitor the residuals?
To monitor the chemical residuals of these chemicals an organophosphonate test kit is used. Testing should be performed daily or weekly depending how critical the system is. Keep a good testing logsheets for trouble shooting. We also recommend storing all you reagents in a chemical testing cabinet, so all you reagents are location in one and area and the testing equipment stay clean. For a complete test kit, you can order our all in one cooling water test kit. If you have time, please watch some of posted cooling tower videos online.
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Buy Cooling Tower Chemicals Cooling Tower Chemicals Cooling Tower Chemical
CTC1244nm - Corrosive Water Conditions Treatment - 5 to 55 Gallons
Our Price: $199.99
Sale Price: $149.00
You save $50.99!
CTC1354S - High Calcium & Silica Scaling Waters - 5 to 55 Gallons
Our Price: $199.99
Sale Price: $149.99
You save $50.00!
CTC1206nm - Highly Corrosive Waters - 5 to 55 Gallons
Our Price: $219.99
Sale Price: $169.99
You save $50.00!
Corrosive Water Conditions Treatment - 5 to 55 Gallons High Calcium & Silica Scaling Waters - 5 to 55 Gallons Highly Corrosive  Waters - 5 to 55 Gallons
Cooling Tower Chemicals Cooling Tower Chemicals Cooling Tower Chemicals
CTC1264nm - Severe Deposit Control Protection - 5 to 55 Gallons
Our Price: $219.99
Sale Price: $169.99
You save $50.00!
CTC1334nm - Moderate Water Conditions - 5 to 55 Gallons
Our Price: $659.99
Sale Price: $199.99
You save $460.00!
CTC1254nm - High Scaling Potential Water Conditions - 5 to 55 Gallons
Our Price: $399.99
Sale Price: $299.99
You save $100.00!
Severe Deposit Control Protection - 5 to 55 Gallons MOST POPULAR - Moderate Water Conditions - Cooling Tower Chemicals - 5 to 55 gallons HIgh Scaling Potential Water Conditions  - 5 to 55 Gallons
For more information, please contact us at 800-658-7716 or email our sales consultant at [email protected].